Heroes Exposed #4


Another one up! Kevin is uploading these strips quicker than I can keep up with!
This one features the crew of ComicGeekSpeak.

Check out their podcast…now to get back to drawing some more strips before Kevin catches up with me!

Below are the two links…one for the GeekSpeak crew and the other for the strip. To view older strips in the archive…you’ll have to subscribe.


Undead Ed

Undead Ed was a animation proposal I was putting together with a writer/artist friend of mine. In the next few days I’ll post some more images from the proposal, some background info and initial idea sketches.

For now though…just enjoy the above teaser.

Athena Voltaire

Athena Voltaire. A daring Aviatrix in the Indiana Jones mold, she even fights Nazis, co-created and drawn by the uber-talented Steve Bryant. Steve posted the image on left on the ComicGeekSpeak forum and I couldn’t resist adding more voluptousity (I don’t know if that’s a real word!) to the image, to the characters shock and amazement…heck! I even threw in a cute and cuddly Hitler image!

Steve loved it!

Seriously though, check out Athena Voltaire and buy the damn book! You won’t regret it. It looks and reads fantastic.

Doodle for Rich

This is a quick ink sketch I did for co-worker and fantastic artist, Rich Arnold. It’s one of his zany characters from a american-manga space soap opera he’s been working on for years!

So zany, I can’t remember the characters name!!!

You can check out Rich’s blog on the links section.

Shamus MacBeth

Ah! Shamus MacBeth…this was a running joke I had with an ex-co-worker, Jim Mariano.

Basically someone that we worked with came in one morning and said they had seen ‘Dawn of the Dead’…Jim thought they said ‘Donal O’ Dead’, as if they went to see an Irish Goth rocker…it grew from there…and I did a couple of sketches…the one above is Shamus MacBeth.

Donal is around somewhere, I just have to dig him up!